Tuesday 27th October
Halloween Special Pop Quiz – downstairs
Thursday 29th October
Last Edition live and socially distant – upstairs
bar open – downstairs BOOK A TABLE NOW!
Friday 30th October
Glitterbug Burlesque live and socially distant – upstairs (SOLD OUT)
bar open – downstairs BOOK A TABLE NOW!
Saturday 31st October
Sit Down Rock Night – upstairs BOOK A TABLE NOW!
bar open – downstairs BOOK A TABLE NOW!
Sunday 1st November
bar open – upstairs BOOK A TABLE NOW!
The Whiskey Rebellion live and socially distanced – downstairs
Please help us to stay compliant and avoid fines or closure by following ALL the rules, no more than six from one household per table, wear a mask when not seated, follow the one way system, adhere to social distancing and remember no cheering or singing!