The Firebug Pop Quiz

8pm* start every Tuesday

£1 per person. Teams of no more than 6 people

3 sheets of pics which vary in subject each week, the usual music intros, clips from movies, tv or cartoons
… Plus, specialist questions – You will have to find out what it is on the night! Then the usual mishmash of pop culture knowledge.

*** Prizes:***
First Prize: A choice of three cards
– One holds the money – One holds food vouchers
– The other holds cocktail vouchers! (If this chosen the money rolls over to the next week)

Extra spot prizes! We will be giving out random nights – but you may have to do something for your swag!
We have a no cheating policy – which is why you will be given a box to put yr mobiles into for the duration of the quiz – ‘It’s not fun if it’s not fair!’


Food is available 12pm until 10pm so eat before or during the quiz!

*updated January 2025