Be patient, be kind, be careful.

We’re aware there are lots of opinions flying around but we want everyone to consider each other when coming to FIREBUG and to accept that we have to operate with some new guidelines, for now. Any harassment towards staff or customers for their personal choices is not acceptable.
Firstly and most importantly. Do you have Covid-19 symptoms? Have you been with someone recently who has tested positive for Covid19? If the answer to either of these is yes, you should not come to Firebug, sorry x.
Stay at home and follow the most recent NHS Guidance and get tested!
Keep yourself and others safe.
In conjunction with other local venues, promoters and the MVT, we have completed a risk assessment in line with the latest guidance and worked on the best possible ways to keep customers , staff and artists all safe during this period. We are going to “tweak” some processes as we go along for everyone’s benefit, please, as will get mentioned a lot, be patient, be kind, be understanding to everyone.
If you are attending any close proximity event, be it a movie at the cinema or a gig at a local venue, a park run or a club night you should think of the other people you are mixing with and get tested, regardless. A lateral flow only takes a few minutes and will assist us all in getting back to normal quicker. Artists are taking a test to protect you. Staff are taking a test to protect you. Be part of our community: #takeatest before you attend a show or event!
We will be making it easy for all of our staff to have regular lateral flow tests and they will be working in bubbles where possible.
If you can get a vaccination and wish to do so, then do so as soon as you can, walk in centers are available nationwide and vaccinations are available to anyone over 18.
Unless government guidance changes, we will not be running a Covid passport system on our events.
Firebug will continue to have screens and additional measures where deemed sensible for the time being. Please accept these as safety measures for everyone.
We encourage staff and customers to wear a mask, if they can, when moving around but this is a personal choice, not a requirement of entry. Please don’t judge people for the decision to wear or not wear a mask.
Mechanical air flow measures are in place and when possible, in accordance with Licensing restrictions, we will have additional airflow from opening windows and doors. We have invested in UV air scrubbers and HEPA filters which will assist in keeping the venue clean for everyone for the future … imagine no freshers flu, wow!
We will continue to have a deep cleaning regime as well as hand sanitiser points around the venue. Please use these and wash your hands regularly.
You will still be offered the option to check in using the track and trace app on arrival.
Give people space, its theirs don’t steal it .. think of this when using toilets or at the bar and moving around the venue or choosing somewhere to sit.
Firebug is no longer table bookings, you can walk-in and you can stand in sensible groups around the bar, only tables with Qr-codes will be able to order from the app. We encourage anyone at a Qr-code to do so to reduce grouping at the bar.
Whilst ordering at the bar, please again think of keeping space , no pushing in, there will be clear service points. It’s been a while since staff have served in this manner and for some it will be their first time of face to face service, be patient, be kind.
A “street food” style menu will be available until late night on weekends to hopefully keep customers happier and not moving about the city so much, food will also be available for “take out” but we can’t let you take the drinks with you, sorry x
Please use our outside spaces as much as possible, again give people their space.
Hopefully we can make this transition as cleanly as possible, there will be bumps along the way, we are expecting them, but if we can pull together and behave in a manner which keeps us safe then the transition will be much quicker.
It’s been a long 16 months we have lots to share with you, club nights and gigs, comedy and quizzes, our 17th birthday is now so expect a few surprises and maybe even some cake.
Much love to you all and thank you for understanding our position and continuing to visit Firebug x