Latest COVID-19 Advice For Leicester Pubs

Leicester are still in extended lock down, the rest of the country have been brought in line with us now.

We are still legally allowed up to 6 people from ONE household on a table and can have all our tables full of bookings/ walk ups.

Customers must stay at their tables and use the table service app where possible.

We have completed a full Covid-19 risk assessment for the building which police and licensing have approved ?

The only difference is now there are fines for people breaking the rules!

Unless we are told different it’s still the same with no live music, no comedy … carry on as you were! Update: We are now allowed live music, see our What’s ON for info!

(yes we are still taking bookings, no we aren’t just allowed 6 people in the pub, that would be ridiculous)

If you have any questions feel free to ask, thanks AGAIN for all your support and patience, we are open NOW, come say hello xx

Update on rules here.

#leicesterlockdown #covid19 #coronavirus #leicesterlepers #firebug 

#firebugleicester #firebugbar #leicesterbar #tablebooking #leicesterdrinks 
