Home Past Events - Firebug Bar International Womens’ Day All Dayer

Ask For Clive

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08 Mar 2025


12:00 pm - 11:00 pm

International Womens’ Day All Dayer

It’s back! Our annual event to showcase brand new women bands and bring back the more established bands who also cut their teeth on IWD!

Anyone who has been before will know that we take over the Firebug (who are awesome by the way) and create a fabulous & inclusive atmosphere where all are welcome to come and celebrate with us!
We will be announcing the bands very soon, so keep an eye on our social media.

Voluntary Charitable donations will be taken on the door, but the venue will be open as normal. We do however recommend tickets to guarantee entry. One Event last year was sold out & we had to turn people away at the door. Money from tickets will be split between LOROS Hospice and Riotous Collective. Donations on the door will just be to LOROS.

Tickets can be purchased here… https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/stayfreemusic

Also, thanks to Stayfree for all your support!